Getting error. MOE SDK is probably damaged, please remove it manually from

I installed MOE plugin and followed the instructions to create my first MOE HelloWorld app. But I get the same error. How can I fix this. It says that "MOE SDK is probably damaged, please remove it manually from "

Dear Peter Gustav Nazarov Dirichlet,

Linux is currently not an officially supported host by MOE (I’m assuming you are on Linux from the /home/... path, if this is not the case, please let us know).

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Thanks. Now I have tried this on Windows. But when I’m trying to create new configuration for iOS emulator AndroidStudio suggest me some window that differs from the one which is shown in tutorials here. I cannot select iOS sdk or select simulator button.

Dear Peter Gustav Nazarov Dirichlet,

only running on iOS devices is supported when working with a non-macOS host. The iOS SDK selector has been removed, setting iOS SDK version can be done from the build.gradle file with

moe.xcode.deploymentTarget '9.3'