Calling presentViewControllerAnimatedCompletion on the UIViewController instance is crashing the application on iOS 11 with SIGABRT.
I tried the call on iOS 10 and it’s working correctly. However, on iOS 11 it just crashes. There’s no stack trace or some error message. I tried this on iOS 11.0.3 and on iOS 11.1 beta and it’s the same.
It crashes when I call presentViewControllerAnimatedCompletion.
It doesn’t even matter if I put an image or text. Instead of adding an image, I also tried:
activityItems.add("Text to share");
However, on iOS < 11 it works, while on iOS 11 it crashes.
I was using LibGDX 1.9.6 and MOE 1.3.12.
Now I updated to LibGDX 1.9.7 and MOE 1.4.0, but it’s the same.