ios-moe:moeGenerateUIObjCInterfaces FAILED

I get the following error when trying to run a libgdx project using MOE where I’ve created bindings for a custom UIView and for some Cocoapods.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
:ios-moe:moeGenerateUIObjCInterfaces FAILED

What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:ios-moe:moeGenerateUIObjCInterfaces’.
Failed to update Xcode project

It looks like the binding generating has been successful, as I do see java files built by the binding generator. Is there something else that should be done prior to trying to run?


Please check build.gradle workspace settings

moe {
    xcode {
        workspace 'xcode/ios-moe.xcworkspace'

Best Regards,


Thank you. You are correct. I had “project ‘xcode/ios-moe.xcworkspace’” instead of “workspace ‘xcode/ios-moe.xcworkspace’”

However, now I’m getting this:

What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:ios-moe:moeMainDebugIphonesimulatorXcodeBuild’.
Using Xcode workspaces requires schemes! Please set the moe.xcode.mainScheme property


Full sample settings:

moe {
    xcode {
        project 'xcode/ios-moe.xcodeproj'
        mainTarget 'ios-moe'
        testTarget 'ios-moe-Test'

        workspace 'xcode/ios-moe.xcworkspace'
            mainScheme 'ios-moe'
            testScheme 'ios-moe-Test'

Best Regards,

Thank you again.

Now I’m getting a huge number of errors that seem to be related to this (these are the final lines in the error list)

diff: /…/Podfile.lock: No such file or directory
diff: /Manifest.lock: No such file or directory
error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run ‘pod install’ or update your CocoaPods installation.

Got it working. Here is what I did.

  1. Xcode->Project Settings->Info tab->Configuration. I set both debug and release configurations to “none”.
  2. Quit Xcode.
  3. In terminal, “Pod install” again
  4. In Android Studio->Multi-OS Engine Actions->Open Project in Xcode
  5. Just checked out what happened in Xcode. It looks like new configuration files were created by the Pod install process for both debug and release.
  6. Ran the project from Android Studio
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