Ipa file loses some of icon files in ios-moe/resources

I added some icon files for iOS in ios-moe/resources and created ipa file after that.

In my understandings, the files in ios-moe/resources folder should sit in ios-moe.ipa/Playload/ios-moe.app. However the files I added don’t sit in the place. I’m sure I didn’t make a mistake in terms of processing order (created ipa file after adding the files in resources folder).

Could someone tell me how to implement all files in ios-moe/resources folder in the ipa file?
I have to upload some icon files the appstore because my app was rejected due to the lack of them.


Dear keybow007,

based on the build output, I’m guessing you have Xcode project generation turned off. This means every resource meant to be in the application root directory should be added to Xcode manually.

Dear Kristof

Thank you so much for your quick reply.

However, I’m afraid I’m not sure what you are talking about because I’m quite new in Xcode.
According to the build output, I found ‘moeXcodeProjectGenerator SKIPPED’, which is what you said about ‘Xcode project generation turned off’?

If so, appreciated if you would tell me how to turn Xcode project generation on.

BTW, some icon files were successfully created in the ios-moe.ipa/Playload/ios-moe.app.

Dear keybow007,

Xcode project generation is a deprecated feature and most likely will be removed in MOE 1.3. I would recommend getting familiar with Xcode as it provides more advanced features and more customizability.

To add the missing images to the project, open your project in Xcode and simply drag the missing images into the appropriate group in Xcode. When a window pops up asking how to add the files, be sure to select your MOE application as target.

Dear Kristof

The app was successfully uploaded to appstore according to your suggestion!! Thank you so much for your help!!
