Itunes connect: libGDX app rejected - IPV6 problem


we ran into a problem with our libGDX game on iOS. The game runs well with the Admob and Google Play Games Services Frameworks integrated. We are also using the newest (snapshot) version from libGDX.

The app was rejected because it crashed due to an ipv6 problem. The crash log wasn’t helpful.

Any ideas?


Dear Marius,

could you please share the crashlog via PM?

I have the same problem. А solution found?


yes, as far as I understood, the crash was caused by a framework unrelated to MOE. It was also not related to IPv6.

That said, could you please make sure that you are using MOE 1.2.5? We introduced a fix in the arm64 code generator, that could solve your problem. If not (or you are using 1.2.5 already), then more information is required to see what the problem could be. The best thing would be if you could reproduce it locally, e.g. with an adhoc signed production build.

Best Regards,

The problem was not IPV6 related, but somehow the GoogleSignIn.bundle was deprecated. I removed it and made some compiler adjustments in the xCode build settings. We could not even run the app via testflight by this time.

Hi Marius!

Did you use ip to send the http request?
I got the same problem.
When i send the http request to web server(using ipv4: http://104.155.x.y/hsmoreapp).

Solution: change ip to domain (