MOE 1.3 bindings

Hello guys! I’m new to MOE and I’m following the tutorials on the documentation.

I’m stuck at the creation of a new binding of a .h file at the step 10 of the tutorial:

I noticed that since MOE 1.3, you don’t have the option to “Synchronize to Java” anymore. So I would have to use the option “Create new binding”. The problem is that I couldn’t find documentation of how to do this. There’s a blog post that cover it superficially, but it’s not clear enough:



welcome to MOE. Yes, documentation for the current version of MOE is not easy to come by. We did have a few topics here where we showed one thing or another.

An update to the documentation is long overdue, and I have promised it multiple times, but it is still pending. I hope that it will finally happen sooner than later, but I can’t give you an exact timeline at this time.

One topic about using bindings is this one:

Best Regards,


Thanks for the support! That thread will be helpful

I wanted to get back here and show how I managed to finish the tutorial after reading code examples and simply exploring the structures.

I was stuck at the step 10 of the tutorial where I needed to create new bindings. But with the newest version MOE and it’s plugin, it’s different.

The first diference from the tutorial was that you don’t need to create the Cocoa Touch Files(.h and .m). You just need to add the desired labels and buttons on the screen, go to your controller class, and from there do the mapping.

For example, here I have one label and one button that changes the label text when clicked:


After creating the mapping on your controller, you need to generate the outlets for the storyboard. This is achieved through the Plugin option above:


After generating the outlets, and refreshing XCode, you can do the connections:


You can now run the simulator, and the button will do the action defined in your controller. For this example it’s simply changing the label text.

@kisg I have time I can use to update some of the tutorial docs(specially the basic ones for now, as I’m not an expert). Are you guys interested in some contribution? If so, how can I start?
