I still have the error with remote build I posted about before, but I am now able to run a newly generated hello world app and libgdx hello world app so it’s just a remote build thing. Moe itself works fine.
This is what I do:
Generate a brand new multi os engine project on intellij or using the libgdx project generator
Test running it on the mac machine via VNC.
Cloning the project on Windows and configure the remote build settings
Run a remote build task and thus getting the error in my picture below. This error is the same every time.
Via VNC connect to the mac and browse to the folder generated by the remote build task in a terminal window, in my case: /var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/xcode
Copying the entire same command that failed via remote build, xcrun --find xcodebuild && xcrun xcodebuild -configuration Debug -sdk iphoneos -project /var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/xcode/ios-moe.xcodeproj -target ios-moe MOE_GRADLE_EXTERNAL_BUILD=YES ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/Debug-iphoneos DSTROOT=/var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/dst OBJROOT=/var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/obj SYMROOT=/var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/sym SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=/var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/shared_precomps and that compiles the project just fine.
Opening the project in xcode lets me run the app on my iphone attached to my mac mini.
My code is here:
See the difference between running the xcodebuild command on the mac and the error I am getting via remote build (sorry if it’s too big) :
Update 27-7-2017. Posted a new screenshot and code sample.
Spent too many hours on troubleshooting this. My solution currently is having the project cloned from git in the shared public folder of my mac mini (now in my living room). I open it in IntelliJ on windows to compile and code. When I have a build ready I open the same project from Android Studio on the mac mini via VNC and I can run it.
If somebody finds out why the command: xcrun --find xcodebuild && xcrun xcodebuild -configuration Debug -sdk iphoneos -project /var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/xcode/ios-moe.xcodeproj -target ios-moe MOE_GRADLE_EXTERNAL_BUILD=YES ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/Debug-iphoneos DSTROOT=/var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/dst OBJROOT=/var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/obj SYMROOT=/var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/sym SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=/var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/shared_precomps
Only fails via remote ssh (not in the local terminal) with: /var/folders/3m/w6hp3w5n74d8nyybwm9sd7840000gn/T/tmp.pWU4iPaF/build/moe/xcodebuild/Debug-iphoneos/my-gdx-game.app/Frameworks/MOE.framework: unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1