Hi All,
I try to install MOE on Eclipse 4.15.0. Before I installed MOE plugin on Android Studio and it works fine. When I try to install MOE on Eclipse following problem:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Multi-OS Engine Developer Tools 1.4.2.v201802070952-1 (MOEFeature.feature.group 1.4.2.v201802070952-1)
Missing requirement: MOEBuilderPlugin 1.4.2.v201802070952-1 (MOEBuilderPlugin 1.4.2.v201802070952-1) requires ‘osgi.bundle; com.gradleware.tooling.client 0.12.0’ but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Multi-OS Engine Developer Tools 1.4.2.v201802070952-1 (MOEFeature.feature.group 1.4.2.v201802070952-1)
To: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; MOEBuilderPlugin [1.4.2.v201802070952-1,1.4.2.v201802070952-1]
I would really appreciate your help.