Name clash error happens

I need your support.
I want to use QR code scan function. but I cannot use captureOutputDidOutputMetadataObjectsFromConnection Method from java code.
Source code and Error message are as follows.

public class MyController extends UIViewController implements AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate{

static {

protected MyController (Pointer peer) {

public static native MyController alloc();

public native MyController init();

public void captureOutputDidOutputMetadataObjectsFromConnection(AVCaptureOutput captureOutput, NSArray<?> metadataObjects, AVCaptureConnection connection) {


[Error message]
Name clash: The method captureOutputDidOutputMetadataObjectsFromConnection(AVCaptureOutput captureOutput, NSArray<?> metadataObjects, AVCaptureConnection connection) of type MyController has the same erasure as captureOutputDidOutputMetadataObjectsFromConnection(AVCaptureOutput captureOutput, NSArray<? extends AVMetadataobject> metadataObjects, AVCaptureConnection connection) of type AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate but does not override it


You will need to update your code to be compatible with MOE 1.4, that is add the ? extends AVMetaDataobject to the signature.

The reason for this is that Apple added additional type descriptions to the iOS 11 ObjC API to allow better binding generation for Swift. Nat/JGen is using the same type information so it also picked up these new specifications and added them to the generated bindings. As a side effect some type parameters have changed in the MOE 1.4 iOS bindings and result in the build error that you see.

Best Regards,

Hi Gergely,

Thank you for your swift replay.
I can resolve my problem based on your advice.

Thank you and best regards,