No map viewed for location and departure

please i need to view typed location for example >>> cairo-egypt
but i get the following error with the following Taxi project

provideAPIKey result: YES
— startUpdatingLocation
— Location error: Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 “The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 0.)”
You should enable Location Service in your Simulator: Debug > Location.
— viewWillAppear
art W 6009 3062146 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art W 6009 3062146 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art W 6009 3062146 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art W 6009 3062146 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art W 6009 3062146 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art W 6009 3062146 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
2017-02-21 18:02:50.664 Taxi[6009:3062146] Google Maps SDK for iOS version: 2.2.30010.0
art I 6009 3062146 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve java.lang.Class<$$Lambda$1> annotation class 83
— searchBarShouldBeginEditing
— searchBar.text: Cairo
— searchBarShouldBeginEditing

Thanks for support

Did you run pod install and the natjgen binding generation as described here?

Hi kisg,

Yes i run pod for each of:
GoogleMapsCore, GoogleMapsBase and GoogleMaps
using iPhone 4s(IOS 8.1) simulator but still No map viewed for location typed
log file as following:

Incremental java compilation is an incubating feature.
:ios:moeLaunchart I 25745 3031886 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] setting boot class path to /Users/user124609/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8018419E-23BD-4BE8-823F-5444687EC8B3/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/34D6EC8F-4EAB-49FE-872F-BF09DE59EA54/

/Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/moe/natj/natj/src/main/native/natj/NatJ.cpp:353 DEBUG: Method ‘boolean java.lang.reflect.Method.isDefault()’ is not accessible.
Google Maps SDK Version: 2.2.30010
provideAPIKey result: YES
— startUpdatingLocation
— Location error: Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 “The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 0.)”
You should enable Location Service in your Simulator: Debug > Location.
— viewWillAppear
2017-02-23 07:08:46.615 Taxi[25745:3031886] Google Maps SDK for iOS version: 2.2.30010.0
art W 25745 3031886 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art W 25745 3031886 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art W 25745 3031886 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art W 25745 3031886 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art W 25745 3031886 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art W 25745 3031886 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve Lorg/moe/samples/taxi/ios/MapsViewController$$Lambda$1; annotation class 83
art I 25745 3031886 /Volumes/SSD/gh-moe-master-1.3.0-beta-2/aosp/art/runtime/] Unable to resolve java.lang.Class<$$Lambda$1> annotation class 83
— searchBarShouldBeginEditing
— searchBar.text: cairo

Thanks for your support

We don’t test on iOS 8.x anymore, because all our devices run iOS 9 or newer. Can you check on newer OS to see if that fixes your problem?

You are right, Thanks ----- i’m using IOS 10.2 and now it view map

thanks kisg

hi kisg,

i’m try to set map to another country, but search doesn’t go to new typed-country

Thanks for your support