Project doesn't work with xcode 8

I’ve updated my xcode to xcode 8. And now I cannot run my project.


Build settings from command line:
    CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = *Valid Identity*
    CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR = *Valid root*/graphics-test-moe/build/moe/xcodebuild/Debug-iphoneos
    DSTROOT = *Valid root*/graphics-test-moe/build/moe/xcodebuild/dst
    OBJROOT = *Valid root*/graphics-test-moe/build/moe/xcodebuild/obj
    PROVISIONING_PROFILE = *Valid profile*
    SDKROOT = iphoneos10.0
    SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR = *Valid root*/graphics-test-moe/build/moe/xcodebuild/shared_precomps
    SYMROOT = *Valid root*/graphics-test-moe/build/moe/xcodebuild/sym

=== BUILD TARGET graphics-test-moe OF PROJECT graphics-test-moe WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===

Check dependencies
Signing for "graphics-test-moe" requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor.
Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'
Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'


So, What I should do now? Can I write property (team?) to build config to fix it?

Dear Zufar,

while we had some success with Xcode 8 already, as you see there are still some quirks to be worked out. We will add fully functional Xcode 8 support starting MOE 1.2.0.

Best Regards,

And when to expect MOE 1.2.0? It just doesn’t work now.

Dear zufarfakhurtdinov,

we will release it next week. For a workaround, you can install Xcode 7.3 from and rename the app to and use xcode-select command-line tool to switch between Xcode 7 and 8.

ok. With xcode 7.3 it works.
P.s. github samples use 1.2.+ moe plugin version, but there is no moe plugin on bintray now.

We are preparing for the 1.2 release on the master / moe branch. To get the 1.1 samples you can use the moe-1.1.0 tag from the samples repository.