UIImage-Picker-Controller-Delegate functions are never called

I’m trying to use UIImagePickerController to pick an image but i’m getting the following output :

[discovery] errors encountered while discovering extensions: Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=13 “query cancelled” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=query cancelled}

Code :

		PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization(new PHPhotoLibrary.Block_requestAuthorization() {
			public void call_requestAuthorization(@NInt long code) {
				if(code == PHAuthorizationStatus.Authorized){
					UIImagePickerController imagePickerController = UIImagePickerController.alloc().init();
					imagePickerController.setEditingAnimated(true , true);
					imagePickerController.setDelegate(new UIImagePickerControllerDelegate() {
						public void imagePickerControllerDidFinishPickingMediaWithInfo(UIImagePickerController picker, NSDictionary<String, ?> info) {
							String filePath = info.valueForKey("UIImagePickerControllerImageURL").toString();
							filePath = filePath.substring(8);
							File file = new File(filePath);
							Foundation.NSLog("selected file path = '" + filePath + "' size =" + file.length());

						public void imagePickerControllerDidCancel(UIImagePickerController picker) {
					UIViewController controller = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate().window().rootViewController();
					controller.presentViewControllerAnimatedCompletion(imagePickerController , true , null);

Info.plist :

	<string>You can select photos to attach to reports.</string>

This shows the image picker, but after i select an image, the output mentioned above occurs.

what is wrong with this ?!

It’s because you used new UIImagePickerControllerDelegate(). The instance has to be a proper ObjC bridge class, initialized with UIImagePickerControllerDelegate.alloc().init().

Usually it is simpler to get you outer class implement UIImagePickerControllerDelegate and then you’d just use imagePickerController.setDelegate(OuterController.this).

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I extended the class NSObject and I called “alloc().init()” and I got the same result :disappointed_relieved:

public class UIPickerDelegator extends NSObject  implements UIImagePickerControllerDelegate {
    protected UIPickerDelegator() {
     public void imagePickerControllerDidFinishPickingMediaWithInfo(UIImagePickerController picker, NSDictionary<String, ?> info) {
		 String filePath = info.valueForKey("UIImagePickerControllerImageURL").toString();
         filePath = filePath.substring(8);
         File file = new File(filePath);
         Foundation.NSLog("selected file path = '" + filePath + "' size =" + file.length());
     public void imagePickerControllerDidCancel(UIImagePickerController picker) {

BTW, it is a libgdx app

Hi, were you able to fix the issue?

please try like this:
func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [UIImagePickerController.InfoKey : Any]) {
let image = info[UIImagePickerController.InfoKey.originalImage] as! UIImage
profileImage.image = image
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)