Use multiple app icons and launching screen pictures

Is it possible to set multiple app icons with different resolution(for different) in build script or in info.plist.xml? And multiple launching screens(landscape, etc) too?
I have some images in my resources: [email protected], Default-Landscape.png and so on
When I set that xml to info.plist.xml it doesn’t work (It works on robovm):

    <string>{320, 568}</string>

    <string>{320, 568}</string>


You should be able to set these resources in the Xcode project the same way it works with a regular iOS project. E.g. you can use xcassets or the standard iOS naming conventions. You can read more about this in Apple’s documentation here (Adding Images) and here (Naming Your Launch Image Files).

This info.plist.xml looks like a RoboVM specific construct that is not supported in MOE.

To edit the Info.plist of your project, just use Xcode.

If you are still using a project with build-time generated Xcode project (keep in mind, that it is now deprecated and will be removed in MOE 1.3), you will need to copy the generated Info.plist from the build folder to src/main/resources/Info.plist and use the following key in build.gradle:

moe.xcode.infoPlistPath 'src/main/resources/Info.plist'

Best Regards,