1.3 on Eclipse, missing Sync to Java


I can’t find sync to java.

Any ideas?


and this is how my header file look like :slight_smile:


Dear all,

Any help ? or…did I miss any things ? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Anyone using Eclipse ?


Dear Ivanooi Ivan!

You need Binding Editor

  • Right click project
  • Multi-OS Engine Actions -> Create New Binding Configuration
  • Create new header binding
  • Select xcode/<target> in header path
  • Set base package name
  • Select hybrid binding mode
  • Add your header file to import headers
  • Run generate binding

Best Regards,

Dear Roland,

Thank you so much! now managed to build the java source but now it failed to run.
from the log, It look like referring to an unavailable folder.

I had search around all files that I can view using text editor and found no luck.
Previously I got MOE ( Since 1.0 until 1.2 ) installed in Android Studio. Now I had moved to trash.

Currently I’m using MOE 1.3.2
Xcode 7.3
Eclipse Neon.2

this is the log :

Error: /Users/ivanooi/Documents/XyproX (No such file or directory)

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ‘:moeMainProGuard’.

Task failed, you can find the log file here: /Users/ivanooi/Documents/XyproX(II)/test-moe05/build/moe/main/proguard/ProGuard.log

  • Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

Dear Roland,

if I repeat the same process using AndroidStudio, there’s no error at all and it managed to run the app in emulator mode…

Thanks again

Dear all,

Finally I know what cause it. It is my project folder. I cannot named it with “( )” . that is why it failed.

Thanks Roland!

Great! :smile: