Firebase Debug mode

Hi there,

I am trying to use Firebase Analytics for iOS. It seems to work fine (I can see the events sent in the console) but I would like to see the events in real-time in the Firebase DebugView.

I have added Firebase/Core to my Podfile, and declared the bindings:

Name: FirebaseCore
Framework path: xcode/Pods/FirebaseCore/Frameworks/FirebaseCore.framework
Import headers:
#import <FirebaseCore/FIRApp.h>
#import <FirebaseCore/FIRConfiguration.h>

Name: FirebaseAnalytics
Framework path: xcode/Pods/FirebaseAnalytics/Frameworks/FirebaseAnalytics.framework
Import headers:
#import <FirebaseAnalytics/FIRAnalytics.h>

I have also added the -FIRDebugEnabled argument to my Xcode scheme.

But when I launch the app, it does not recognize this argument, thus I cannot see my iOS device in the Firebase DebugView.

Any help would be welcome :slight_smile:


Open launch configuration in the Android Studio, select Arguments tab and add -FIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled argument to Program arguments.

Best Regards,

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Thank you Roland it works perfectly.