Invalid bundle executable in iOS release analysis


Trying to release an app build in MOE I’ve generated IPA file using

./gradlew clean moeIpaBuild

and I’ve used the Application Loader app to upload my app to the iTunesConnect.

Unfortunately during the IPA analysis in Application Loader I get an error:

ERROR ITMS-90668: "Invalid Bundle Executable.
The executable file ''
contains incomplete bitcode.
To compile binaries with complete bitcode, open Xcode and choose Archive
in the Product menu."

I’m using the newest beta plugin and I’ve ensured that ENABLE_BITCODE in project settings remains unchanged - it’s by default set to NO.

It’s now blocking our release, could you provide any support?

Dear Mateusz,

We could not reproduce this issue with our test project.

Would you please send over your compressed Xcode project file?

Best Regards,

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Hello Daniel,

Thank you for the response, I’ve sent you the compressed project file in a direct message.
I would be grateful for your advices.

Best regards

Dear Mateusz,

Xcode output build directory is set to


But in the gradle file the input app path is explicitly specified as


Could you please try to remove it from your gradle file (or add the missing sym to the path)?
The gradle plugin should be able to resolve the path by itself.

Best Regards,

Unfortunately removing or changing this fragment in gradle file didn’t solve the issue.

However we were able to release our iOS app using Xcode. After changing the target device to “iOS generic device” and archiving the project the complete IPA file has been created.

This allowed us to upload the generated file and begin the app review in iTunes.