MOE Community Edition Gradle Plugin & SDK 1.7.1 - iOS 14 SDK


  • Fix launching & debugging apps on real device running iOS 14.
  • Update bindings for iOS 14.
  • Build with Xcode 12.0.

Install / Upgrade

Simply change you build script to use the new plugin and SDK:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: '', name: 'moe-gradle', version: '1.7.1'

Thanks so much for keeping this thing running @Noisyfox!

I’ll upgrade my plugin soon and see how it goes. I’ve already pushed an App Store update with 1.7.0 and everything seems to be working well. Haven’t had any complaints.

Your work on this is much appreciated!


@Noisyfox your updates and plugin releases are most appreciated!

I’m now struggling to move everything from the old Eclipse setup to IDEA and MOE community edition plugins. Unfortunately all existing MOE samples are still for the original MOE code.

Do you have any recommendations what Gradle version to use and what and build.gradle configs should look like for the community MOE setup? And if there is some build configuration needed for IDEA? Some simple multi-module app sample (both ios and android) would be really helpful as a reference.