using the "Gradle Plugin: 1.4.3"

I am new to MOE and start using the “Gradle Plugin: 1.4.3” . Here listed my environments to lead to the problems at the end.
Please advise what can be the causes and solutions to these. Thanks.

Environments :
1)WIN10 Host, Android Studio 3.1.3
2)MAC MINI 10.13.6, XCODE version 9.4.1
3)Use Calculator or CurrencyConvertor projects from the “
4)Click on the "Run/Debug Configurations->MOE iOS Application->ios->Remote Build->Test button returns “Test successful”

1)The ios build returns “Execution failed for task ‘:ios:moeMainDebugIphoneosXcodeBuild’”
2)There is no “Open Project on Xcode” item when click on the “Multi-Os Engine Actions” in Android Studio.