Hi sorry. I think there’s some things wrong with my internet. Is there anyway that I can force the Android Studio to download the SDK again ? I tried uninstall that two plugins but… look like it will not remove the SDK as well.
The MOE SDK by default is installed here: ~/.moe/moe-sdk-1.1.0, if you can see this directory, that means the SDK setup was successful.
If you can only see a ~/.moe/moe-sdk-1.1.0.tmp directory, that means the MOE SDK installation failed. To get more information on the failure open Terminal, go to the directory of your project and execute ./gradlew tasks -s, if the SDK installation fails again it should print out a stacktrace of where it failed.
If you can’t eve see the ~/.moe/moe-sdk-1.1.0.tmp directory, that means installation of the MOE SDK was never attempted. There can be two reasons to this:
1, No projects ever tried to use MOE SDK 1.1.0
2, Download of the SDK failed of the downloaded file is corrupted, in this case you can check for the following directory: ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.multi-os-engine/moe-sdk/1.1.0, try deleting this directory and retry
I assumed you are working on a Mac, if this is not the case or further assistance is needed, we’ll be happy to help you out!