Since the MOE docs said you needed iTunes to do use remote build on Windows, I guess I should not update iTunes? I assume it was it installs some drivers to put apps downloaded in iTunes on the iPhone.
Also, do you guys expect that iOS 11 will cause any problems?
That said, we are only using the so called usbmuxd service from iTunes. This (as the name implies) provides a multiplexer for different services provided by the iOS devices to the host system. We don’t use any other parts of iTunes, our launcher talks to usbmuxd directly using the included libimobiledevice library.
In case the new iTunes does not include the usbmuxd service, a workaround will be to use the alternative usbmuxd implementation from the libimobiledevice project, which is used to access iOS devices from Linux already, and I think it already has Windows support.
About iOS 11: we are looking at updating the iOS API bindings for iOS 11, please stay tuned for updates.
I will not update the iTunes version on my desktop so I can keep using it if problems occur but I might give it a try on my laptop this week. Will report whether it works in this topic.
Hi. I just retested and had the same problem. However I had my run configuration on “First available iOS device”. Then I saw one ID in that checkbox and picked that one.
After that it did got to the part where it uploaded my app to the device. But but I got:
Waiting for iOS Device…
ERROR: Failed to get installation proxy (instproxy_client_start_service returned -256)
Command failed: [C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin\java.exe, -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252,, -Duser.language=en, -Duser.variant, -jar, C:\Users\\moe-sdk-1.4.0\tools\ios-device.jar, --udid=cfcfcf38d421d9123be00661c23ce6673d963306, --app-path=C:\Users\Leejjon\IdeaProjects\BluffPoker\ios-moe\build\moe\xcodebuild\Debug-iphoneos\Bluff, --wait-for-device, --launch-arg=-args, --install-mode=runonly]
:ios-moe:moeLaunch FAILED
Is this the same error you got?
UPDATE: When I get the error I just press run again and it works. Very strange… But I’m happy it still works somewhat.
UPDATE2: I suspect this installation proxy error only occurs when the screen turns off (because I don’t touch it during compiling).