For the build time measurement I am supposing a development scenario with frequent restarts after small changes. In my test I measured the time to start an app in debug mode on the simulator (iPhone 5, iOS 10.3) after changing a single line (print statement) in the viewDidLoad method of the main view controller. The time was taken from pressing the corresponding keyboard shortcut until the IDE stopping at the break point in the first line of the viewDidLoad method (that was changed before).
- Hardware as mentioned in previous post
Eclipse Plugin v 1.3.6
Gradle buildship plugin
Gradle Version 2.14.1 (as generated by MOE) and later 3.5 after updating the wrapper
Gradle Daemon enabled
Gradle VM setup Xmx2048M
proguardLevel ‘app’ (as suggested for development)
debug and release variants -
IDEA Plugin org.robovm.idea-2.3.1-with-debugger-20170505 from here:
IDEA Gradle integration for dependency managment
IDEA VM setup Xmx2048M -
Real-World App with about 5800 classes on the classpath, starting only a SinglePage View but loading required classes.
- Start time of MOE with Gradle 2.14.1: 58s
- Start time of MOE with Gradle 3.5: 54s
- Start time of RoboVM IDEA PlugIn: 25s
- Start time of MOE is independent from debug or release mode setting.
- Task moeGenerateUIObjCInterfaces takes longest.
- Explicitly setting proguard level to ‘app’ did not have an effect.
- RoboVM Plugin: Xmx setting is mandatory for the project with thousands of classes.
- RoboVM compiler works completely multithreaded using all CPU cores with 100% (8 Threads)
- Compiling the MOE app uses only a part of the available CPU cores.
Hope, that helps.