After I installed Xcode beta 11, I got this error “Failed to populate list of simulators”.
Then I uninstall Xcode beta 11 and now only have Xcode 10.3 and the command-line tool is already installed. But I still get that error. How can I fix it? Thank you.
In your Intellij/AS, open the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, make sure the error is popped up (if not, just reopen your project), then click the “Help” menu then “Show log in Finder(Explorer?)” and attach the file (make sure to remove any sensitive data from the log, or just copy-paste the part around the last stack trace).
Yes. I think it is because I have latest Android studio installed. I am not able to modify configuration. I still see “Failed to populate list of simulators” when I open Edit configuration window. Also not able to save configuration. It says that I need to select module. But modules dropdown is empty. I thought it is what your version is also going to fix. But I have two XCode versions now. So maybe that`s the reason.
Yeah, the plugin solved. By the way, I didn’t know that there was a Community Edition of the plugin, as soon as I removed the legacy one and installed the Community Edition everything worked. Thanks!
I updated plugins and now I can chose and change device. Also I leaved only XCode 11 and debug works from AS.
There is only one issue left. When I change simulator and save configuration I still see error “Please select a module”. It is not urgent since device is updated in config. Log attached. idea.log (1001.5 KB)